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Lake Ridge Community Church Sermons

Loved to Life: Easter Sunday

Our loved to life sermon series covered the seven deadly sins and we explored each vice and opposed them with each of their virtues. Pastor Evan shares on Easter Sunday the virtue of love. Love doesn't have an opposing vice. Love has the capacity to walk in and out and walk all over the vices. Love can overcome envy, love can reach out those who feel unworthy and pick them up. No vice of ours has a power strong enough to withstand our loving God.

Love like anything else we are passionate about provokes us to speak and to act. A love that is not declared lacks something essential. The life of Jesus was about declaring his love for us and raising from the dead was about the power of God. God invited us into the story of reconciliation. You are a part of reconciling the world back to Christ.  What could it look like for us to share and demonstrate what it means to love our community? What does it mean to sacrifice everything for our world?