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Lake Ridge Community Church Sermons

So ride on: Worship (God gathers us)

We’re introducing this podcast with a bit of context on a unique Sunday morning. It was with broken hearts on Sunday, October 7 we learned of the sudden passing of our dear friend and worship leader, Melissa. With great sadness we worshiped together that morning. Pastor Evan shared that morning with a raw and emotional sermon. We wanted to share this message with you in memory of Melissa. Our hope is that this message is encouraging to you and that we can be reminded how God enters into our story sometimes in extreme pain and sadness.

Worship bring us together. It is the gathered people of God collectively expressing our heart for Him. In John 14:1, it says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, but trust in God, trust also in me.” A sense of peace that came with that. Jesus had only given them reason to trust him. Jesus promised to give you and I a gift: an advocate, counsellor and a guide. The very spirit will be present and it will be around us, beside us and inside of our hearts. He told them they could trust it as if Jesus was physically present with them. He promised the same spirit inside of them should be shared and would be in all of those gathered who trusted in the voice of God. It was strange, because even as they were sad and upset by whatever was going to happen to Jesus there was a sense of peace they were all going to endure in the end. Even Jesus was going to be ok.